

The fox and the Crow
There was a fox and a crow which lived in a big forest. As there was just little food in the forest, they always felt hungry.

One day, when the fox was looking for food hungrily, he saw the crow landing on a tree with a piece of meat. The fox wanted to get the meat from the crow and he thought of a trick in a second.

     “Good afternoon, Miss Crow. You look so beautiful today!” The fox praised the crow before the crow was ready to eat the meat but the crow was still holding the meat with her beak without saying a word.  She just smiled to the fox. 

“You must be the king of the bird, Miss Crow.  You are the most beautiful bird that I’ve ever seen!” The fox flattered. The crow seemed to be quite happy of what the fox said.
The fox then continued to say, “Miss Crow, your voice must be very sweet and lovely! Can you sing a song?” While the crow opened her beak, the meat fell down and the fox ate it immediately.

“Ha ha ha, you stupid crow! I’m just tricking you! What I want is the meat, not your song! Ha ha ha!” The fox laughed at the crow. Suddenly, his laugh stopped and he fell onto the ground.  The fox was dead.

      “I’m also cheating you, foolish fox.” The crow said. “The meat belongs to a dead sheep which died of drinking polluted water from the river, so the meat is poisonous. I killed you so I can have more food to eat. I’m just pretending to be stupid!”

     The crow bit a big piece of meat from the fox with her beak. Then she flew away and was going to trick her next prey.

     The moral is: Although someone looks weak and stupid, he can be strong.