Is Hong Kong a good place to live in? Some people probably nod their heads. We are seeing wonderful views, enjoying low tax rates, and having fun with different entertaining activities. Constant inflow of talents from mainland China activates our minds; products imported from different parts of the world provide the excitement for us. We seem to live happily here.
We may sometimes hear how beautiful the sea view of Victoria Harbour is, how great the sight on The Peak is, and how bright the Sai Kung stars at night are. However, such scenes are disappearing as the problem of pollution is getting more and more serious in Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong people are chasing for exciting ‘night lives’, our home becomes brighter and brighter at night. People turn on the lamps until very late. Street lights are switched on overnight. Hey! What we are ‘enjoying’ is simply colourful, ‘man-made’ lighting. Where is the moon? Where are the stars? Furthermore, high accessibility to different parts of Hong Kong encourages a rapid increase of private car ownership. Smoke emitted from cars may result in the formation of smog, which blocks the views. It also intensifies air pollution and causes respiratory diseases. Because of such risks, it is doubtful that Hong Kong is an excellent place to live in.
Can we buy cheap goods in Hong Kong? Yes. Taxes are only imposed on certain products like tobacco and wine. However, are we sure that we can always buy safe and qualified goods? Anyone who has paid attention to the recent news can see that some pills sold in Hong Kong are neither registered nor licensed. There is even a chaotic mess with the expiry dates of the medicine. It is also found that bathing gel, claimed as ‘gentle and suitable for babies’, contains toxic substances. Hong Kong is known as a shoppers’ paradise, where people are supposed to buy genuine products. In reality, it is not the case. Are there strict regulations for the producers? Are there responsible firms? Are there careful workers who can minimize the possibility of making mistakes? The unsatisfactory answers to the above questions clearly indicate that Hong Kong is not a good place to live in. People in the city will still have to buy these substandard products.
While it may be true that there is a variety of interesting pastimes in Hong Kong, it does not mean that the citizens are able to enjoy them. During the economic boom, Hongkongers work very hard so as to earn more. In the period of financial meltdown, people try to keep their jobs by fulfilling their bosses’ requirements. At daytime, they perform their tasks efficiently; but after a day’s tiring work, they still have to run like headless chickens in the offices. Hongkongers are basically living in such a pressurized environment, which makes them stressed, and even causes psychological problems. It can be revealed by the increasing figure of the ‘stress index’ research conducted by CUHK. A city making people crazy is never a good place to live in.
Are the street lamps shining on a few irresponsible Hong Kong people, who make scary ‘goods’? Is the smog swallowing the happiness in Hong Kong? Yes, they are. Nevertheless, I am sure, if everyone tries to have simple lives, our city will be a better place to live in.