Why I joined the talent contest
I would give the same answer to anyone who asks me this question. It was all planned in my destiny. I have had a natural beautiful voice since my childhood. I enrolled in the choir team in my primary school and became the chairperson because the teacher was impressed by my amazing voice. I won the first prize in the singing contest in secondary school and my great performance was sincerely praised and highly commended. Because of such achievements, I always wanted to develop my singing talent. Knowing that winning this singing contest, I could earn a great deal of money, I joined it without hesitation, hoping to ease my parents’ burden economically.
How my life has changed since I won the contest
There is no doubt that I have experienced drastic changes in my life since I won the contest. As soon as I was announced as the winner, I was greeted by a couple of managers of a prestigious music company. They asked me if I was interested in signing a contract with their company. This was too good to be true. The terms were very attractive. I can get a record deal at such an early age! I signed the contract at the spot and thanked the two managers for recognizing my ability in singing. Later, I was invited by an advertising agency to be their spokesman, to be featured in different companies’ advertisements promoting their products. I was most relieved when my family received the large sum of money from me winning the contest.
What I have learnt from the contest
I felt that new meanings have been added to my life since I excelled in the contest. I learnt that everyone has their own unique talents, found or hidden, and I myself am an example. Once our talent has been discovered, we must be brave to develop and show it to others. This is the chance for others to recognize our talent, which ultimately benefits from us. This may be achieved by winning a competition or contest like I did, but not because of luck. One has to practise very hard in order to outshine the others. I think the most important thing that I learnt is to be humble at all times, even after winning the contest. It is because there are still numerous things that I should learn in singing, and I should not be proud of my present skills or achievements.
My plans for the future
I hope to use my talents in singing to benefit people in society, especially the poor and the underprivileged. I want to participate in some meaningful events, such as voluntary work. I would seize the opportunity to visit orphanages and elderly homes, and bring joy to them through my songs. I am sure that I can bring a glimpse of smile on their faces. Besides, when I have built up enough fame, I would promote charities and encourage people to donate money to charitable organizations using my popularity.