Dear Diary,
I have made one of the biggest mistakes in my life! Remember the play “Julius Caesar” I’ve been reading in drama class? It was about how Brutus betrayed his good friend Julius Caesar for the good of the country. Recently, I have also betrayed my best friend, Jessie, not for the good of any country, but for my own selfish wants! I know everything sounds ambiguous so far; so let me tell you the whole incident.
It all started a week ago, when Jessie told me a huge secret of hers. She caught up with me during lunch time and said that she wanted to tell me something. Taking a deep breath, Jessie blurted out her secret, she was adopted. My jaw literally dropped when I heard the news, feeling dumbfounded by it. After I had recovered from my temporary shock, Jessie pleaded me to keep the secret strictly between us as she could not bear the gossips or despising looks from others if anyone else knew about it. Without a second of hesitation, I promised her that my lips were sealed. How naïve of me to think so!
So everything went well until yesterday. I’ve mentioned my heartthrob, Jim, many times in my pervious diary entries, so you know that I have wanted to chat with him for a very long time. Well, yesterday, he came up to me, all of a sudden, and asked me stuff about school assignments. Therefore, I seized this golden chance to chit-chat with him. It was all great until there was nothing left to talk about. After moments of awkward silence, I desperately blurted out Jessie’s secret, hoping that this would lead to a much longer and more fascinating conversation. The moment those words slipped out my tongue, I knew it was an irreversible mistake that I would regret dearly.
Unfortunately, things got even worse. One recess later, my whole class heard the secret and everyone knew who blabbed it out, including Jessie. From her icy-cold stare and hard expression she gave me, I could feel her disappointment, infuriation and devastation. She hadn’t spoken to me since then.
Oh diary! I remorse betraying my best friend so badly! I never should have been using Jessie’s secret for the sake of making Jim notice me, which, by the way, was a complete failure. It’s never the just way to treat other people’s trust in you. Once you have betrayed others, it will be ten times harder to regain their trust and faith in you. Through this mistake, I have learnt my painful lesson which I won’t forget for the rest of my life! Now all I wish is for Jessie to forgive my indiscreet act and give me a second chance so that I could prove to her my lesson was learnt. I’m going to apologize to her tomorrow, so wish me good luck ok?