Jade MacKinley Herndon


 Jade is my best friend. She


A lways shares her secrets with me

D uring recesses and lunch time.

E ating is one of the


M ost important things she needs to do

A s she loves it!

C ats are her favorite animals.

K akapo’s thinking is always in her brain!

I f you see her walking by,

N o way you can’t see some sparkles in her eyes!

L ike native people,

E nglish is her language.

Y ou need to learn more English to communicate with her!


H er birthday ever so special. Christmas

E ve it is.

R eally special indeed! The word

N egative never appears in her life.

D rawings are full of her notebooks.

O f course, it’s all drawings about cats.

N ow, let me present, my best friend… Jade MacKinley Herndon!