A day as a coffee shop assistant


I joined the programme “Let The Dream Come True” held by YMCA a few months ago. And luckily they selected me and let my child dream come true! I became a coffee shop assistant for a day! It was a very interesting experience!


I was assigned to a café named Heaven Coffee. The area of that café was quite big, and I needed to wear the uniform of the coffee shop while I worked.


At 9:00a.m. , the café opened. More and more people came and lined up to buy the coffee and their breakfast. What I had to do was to serve coffee to our customers, warm the milk inside the coffee and wash dishes and coffee cups. Since no one taught me how to use the coffee maker and all of the workers seemed very busy, I did not dare to touch that machine!

At about 11:00a.m, there were less people in the café. One of the workers, Sam, taught me some basic knowledge of the coffee, like how to taste coffee and the culture of coffee.


At 2:00p.m. , people came again. The whole coffee shop became busy again. All baristas got busy immediately at that time. And I began to wash dishes and coffee cups, warm the milk, and clean the floor again, too. Anyway, this is what a coffee shop assist and needs to do, I thought. I was never going to touch that machine……


After that rush hour, to my surprise, Sam taught me how to use the coffee maker! I was thrilled! I had spent nearly 3 hours learning how to use that machine and I made my first cup of coffee. I would never forget that taste – the coffee was so delicious!


Later on Sam told me that usually assistants only start working behind the counter after they have worked for 6 months. I thought I was very lucky at that time!


It turned out to be a great day. Though I was very tired, I finally realized my dream! Now, my next dream is to be a barista!