A Day as a Coffee Shop Assistant


I went to a coffee shop to work as a coffee shop assistant because my editor has asked me to write an article about working.

The coffee shop was located in Causeway Bay. It was a shop on the first floor of a commercial building. The owner, Mrs. Wong, started her career last year. She was a sole-proprietor. She needed to do the work of a barista and most of the cleaning. There were only a few staff members for the order delivery. The shop was neat and tidy. The walls were painted in white. The windows went all the way to the ground. The shop was bright enough in the daytime so Mrs. Wong told me that she would only switch on the lights in the evening.

Mrs. Wong taught me how to make coffee. It was not easy because you need to have good knowledge of the recipes. You were also required a passion to coffee making. “If you do your work wholeheartedly, you will be able to enjoy the joy from customers and yourself.” said Mrs. Wong. I made a cup of Caramel Latte, which was my favorite coffee. The procedures were not that complicated but you need to pay full attention to the details.

The peak hours were from 6 pm to midnight. There was not enough space for so many customers to stay in the shop. It was a bit crowded but they did not grumble. They laughed, ate cakes and drank. Some classical music was played. The customers talked and rested without any burden because it was really relaxing.

At 9 pm, a group of adults reserved the shop to hold a birthday party. They were Mrs. Wong’s former colleagues. Mrs. Wong baked a birthday cake to celebrate her friend’s birthday. They sang and played. I was responsible for all the food delivery because the other staff members had already gone home. After some time, Mrs. Wong and her friends invited me to join their party. We ate cakes and fruits together. It was fun!

The shop closed at 1 am. We started to do the washing-up and cleaning. Mrs. Wong cleaned the washroom and I washed the utensils. I also mopped the floor. It was already 2 am when we finished all our work. Mrs. Wong praised me for my diligence. She treated me a cup of American Coffee. I was satisfied and glad about my performance. I could finally go home. It was such a wonderful and unforgettable experience!