A letter to the editor


Dear Editor,


I am writing to express my concerns about the proposal of small class teaching which the Government refused to promote in all primary and secondary schools.


Firstly, I strongly recommend the Education Bureau to promote small class teaching in Hong Kong schools. Students can have more chances to ask and answer questions. In other words, there is more teacher-student interaction during the lessons. When the number of students is reduced, students can participate in the learning activities more often. This will help students to learn more efficiently and effectively.


Secondly, small class teaching allows students to receive more personal care from teachers. Since teachers take care of fewer students, they can understand more about their students, including their strengths, weaknesses and character. Therefore, teachers can help them not only in academic area, but also in personal improvements and growth.


Lastly, small class teaching can reduce teachers’ workload. They can have more time to prepare tailor-made lessons and provide feedback. Teachers can pay more attention to students. Due to the decrease in the number of students, it is also easier for teachers to handle class discipline. That helps to enhance the learning atmosphere.


In conclusion, since small class teaching brings about so many advantages to both teaching and learning, the Government has no point in postponing such arrangement. I am sure all of the teachers, students and parents agree with my points of view. The Government should carry out  small class teaching as soon as possible.


                                                                Yours faithfully,

                                                                   Tiffany Mai