Chinese Zodiac



In the Chinese Zodiac, there are 12 animals representing years. Choose one animal to represent the 13th animal in the Chinese Zodiac and explain why it is suitable to be one of the years.


                                       The 13th animal in the Chinese Zodiac


  Although it does not have an attractive appearance and it is ugly, clumsy and always works leisurely, I still choose it to represent the 13th animal in the Chinese Zodiac.  It is a tortoise.


  Firstly, tortoise is a symbol of longevity in the eyes of the Chinese people.  All people hope that they can live longer on the Earth, so very often they treat tortoise as a symbol of luck.  Therefore, most of the people will welcome tortoise to represent the 13th animal in the Chinese Zodiac.


  Secondly, tortoise is suitable to represent the 13th animal in the Chinese Zodiac because it can set a good example for us.   It is always calm.  Nowadays, we need to work efficiently.  In return, we may work in a hurry and make some decisions promptly.  However, tortoise is different as it always keeps itself in a steady pace so it has time to think carefully and make decision wisely.  From tortoise, people can learn how to slow down and work with careful considerations.


  The last but not the least, tortoise is humble.   When it faces extend stimuli, it always hides inside the shell.  Some people may think that it is weak.  However, its attitude reminds us a truth: ‘By tolerant, you gain peace and calm. Be humble and you’ll reach new horizon.’  If everybody learns this lesson, we can live in a peaceful world.


  In conclusion, tortoise is the symbol of longevity and sets a good example for us.  It is the most suitable animal to represent the 13th animal in the Chinese Zodiac.