Space exploration or basic healthcare and education?


Dear Principal,

           I am writing to express my opinions about which initiative, further space exploration or basic healthcare and education in rural areas,  should receive the money raised by our kind students and parents. By considering the needs of people in China and the financial budget of the mainland government, I think this large sum of money should be given to the people in rural areas of China.
           Firstly, I think the money should not be given for further exploration because it is not the most important and urgent issue in China today. It has less influence on people’s life. There is no doubt that when people in China are watching rockets flying to the space or the moon, they may feel excited and proud and a sense of belonging is then developed. However, there are no urgent needs for further space exploration in China now, when compared to the poor and low-quality situation in those rural areas. There are many more things that can be done in order to alleviate the pain of the poor people. People in China are only asking for basic daily necessities so as to gain a higher living standard instead of national glory or international reputation and status. Therefore, I think the donation should not be given for further space exploration.
           Moreover, the donation for further space exploration actually encourages pollution on our planet and even the space. Space exploration demands high input of technology, energy and resources in the stages of researches and development. The technicians , though professional and skilled, may face failures when they are inventing new models of spaceships and rockets. This creates tones of waste and rubbish. All the disposal of the waste may pollute the natural environment in China. The action of giving money to this industry means that we encourage the continuity of pollution.
           Furthermore, our donation can do little to help further space exploration. As I have mentioned, the projects of space exploration demands high input of technology and professional labour, those projects need a really large sum of money to support, maybe more than a billion. So, our donation may only play a small role in the development of space projects and it does not help much. In other words, it is a waste of efforts and money given by our parents and students. Therefore, this sum of money should be spent in a more meaningful way instead of further space exploration.
           Other than that, I think the projects for further space exploration do receive support from the mainland government. According to the financial planning of the mainland government, a large sum of money is given to those space projects every year. They have sufficient and stable spending on those projects. There is no need for us to give a little bit more for that kind of researches and development.
            Last but not least, it is less educational to our students if we choose to donate money for space exploration than for basic education and healthcare in rural areas. Although students may understand more about the development and achievement of our government in space exploration, there is no deeper educational meaning as it is only based on the intellectual level. However, by giving money to the rural area for the improvement of healthcare and education, a sentiment of love and care is developed in the hearts of students. They will be more eager to find out the dark side of China in the rural area and will have the passion to help them. This kind of education is invaluable to our students.
             The “P” of the PRC, our dearest motherland, stands for “people’s”. Therefore, we should donate the money in order to help the “people” in China first instead of space exploration. I hope that our principal can kindly consider my idea and give this sum of money to the rural area in China.
                                                                               Yours sincerely,