Letter in a Bottle (2A Wan Sheung Pui)


To the one who finds this bottle: 

I am Pat, a person who is waiting for rescue. I have been

shipwrecked on a desert island. Please come to rescue me!

         The accident happened about a week ago. Last week, when I was traveling to ‘Treasure Island’ by ship, there was extremely bad weather. There was heavy rain and a storm which caused the ship to toss dangerously. It lasted for hours. All of a sudden, the ship broke into pieces! All of the travelers, including me, fell into the sea! We struggled and struggled, hoping to be rescued. Unfortunately, there was a big sea wave that washed over us and caused us to sink under the water again and again. Luckily, I swam and swam, and I landed on a desert island.

         I am the only survivor of this accident, and there is no one who can help me. Unfortunately, my bag is gone. I can not find my phone, map, compass, etc. I have no way of contacting anyone, and I am hopeless! After washing ashore, suddenly, there was a floating briefcase with pens and paper in it, and I found an empty bottle on the shore. Maybe it is the last chance for me to ask for help!

         In order to survive, I am finding some food on the island. I eat fruit like coconuts and drink sea water. The food is not enough for me, so I am suffering from hunger. I have started losing energy, and I am becoming more tired when I climb trees to get food. Besides, there are some wild boars and wolves. I will try to fight with them so that I may kill them and eat their meat. It is very dangerous for me as I have no experience with it. Luckily, I found a sign on the desert island, which told me the desert island which I am on is called ‘Horrible Island’. I can find the name of this island, and I can write this letter to ask for rescue.

         ‘Horrible Island’ is terrible, and I think I can survive for only a month. Please come to rescue me as soon as possible! Please!

