Breathtaking Beijing (1A Tam Lok Ching)


I am a super picky person and there is little thing that makes me satisfied. However, the 5-day trip to Beijing with my teachers and classmates left me a cherished memory. 

On the first day of the trip, we first visited the Great Wall of China. It was literally a spectacular building! I couldn’t stop taking photos of it. I had read a history book about the history of the Great Wall of China before. It mentions that the building was continuously and painstakingly built from the 3rd century B.C. to the 17th century. I couldn’t believe that it took such a long time and manpower to finish this magnificent work. 

The next day was our free day. I searched for a lot of street food shops in Beijing and spent my whole day eating and snapping photos. Every time when my stomach was full, I would smell something mouth-watering again. It was a really funny experience with my mouth filled with food and my phone keeping flashing!

Time flew and it reached the last day in a flash — the most fascinating destination for me. It was the Universal Beijing Resort. There were a lot of fancy things for me to buy and thrilling games to play. I had played more than three games, so my throat was quite sore due to my piercing screams! Although I went dizzy, I still had an exciting experience in the Resort with my friends. We were so elated that our teacher asked, “Why are all of you so ridiculously crazy?” Haha! This word suited us the most!

Reluctantly, we had to face the end of this 5-day Beijing trip. We were all not willing to go back to Hong Kong! This trip was a bit exhausting yet satisfying. This Beijing trip will be etched on my memory all the time!

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