Story Writing


 One night, I was awakened by the sound of distant thunder. The strong wind banged on my bedroom’s window. As I opened my eyes, I noticed there was a giant knocking on my window. I was so afraid at that moment, so I hid under my bed immediately. I heard someone yelling at me.
  “Emily, we’re going on an adventure, come on!”
  I crept out slowly. There I saw two of my friends, Eunice and Nora, sitting on the giant’s shoulders. I opened the window and the giant put me on his shoulders before I could say anything.
  The giant walked a long way, and in front of him, there was a huge door of a castle and he opened it using a password. He put us down on the ground. Then he disappeared. We’re inside The Land of Ice! It’s so cold there. We found three thick jackets, three scarves and three pairs of boots. Besides the clothing, there was a notice.
  The notice said, “You’re cold. Find the key and the map of The Land of Ice.
  We looked everywhere, but there were not any key and map at all. Nora got cold, and she put her hands inside the pocket of the thick jacket. She found there was something in it. So she took it out and had a look.
  “I found it,” cried Nora happily, “The key and the map are in my pocket!”
  We then followed the map and went in front an enormous door. We opened it using the key which was gold in color.
  We were so amazed that in front of us was a wall made of ice. We needed to dig a hole to go out. Next to the wall, there were two sets of tools for digging, and a water pipe. The wall was hard to dig. Nora and I dug the hole, while Eunice splashed water at the wall with the water pipe.
  Finally, we succeeded. We crawled out of the wall, and we found there was a hot air balloon. We went inside the hot air balloon and it started to fly. It flew through the Great Tower. The Great Tower was so beautiful at night. I hadn’t seen such a beautiful view before!
  Then it started to go down, and it stopped next to my house. It was midnight and everyone was sleeping. I opened the door quietly and I tip-toed back to my bedroom.
  This adventure was great. From this adventure, I learnt about the importance of team spirit and friendship. I can’t fall asleep although I’m tired. Thinking about this wonderful adventure just kept me awake.