Special me!


No two persons are alike.  I am unique because I have a birthmark on my forehead.  I hate eating ice cream and I love cooking very much.

I have got a red mark on my forehead since I was born.  My father tells me I need not worry about my birthmark because it will not affect my health.  It was very obvious when I was small.  Not many people have a birthmark.  There are many kinds of birthmarks.  The birthmarks of some people are permanent.  I am lucky because my birthmark became fainter as I grew up.  It is almost invisible now.  Next time when you see me, you can look closer at my forehead and then you will discover that I have a birthmark.

I hate eating ice cream unlike other children.  It is because I do not like to eat sweet food.  Even more special is I love eating ice cream cone.  Every time when we order an ice cream cone, I will give the ice cream to my brother and only eat the cone.  I think the cone, but not the ice cream, is very delicious.

Unlike other boys, I like cooking very much.  I learnt cooking during the Cub Scout activities.  I can fry eggs, sausages and cook fried rice pretty well.  I often use very little oil when cooking because oil is not good for our health if taken in excessive amount.  Once, I went for the Cub Scout’s picnic with my classmates.  We had to prepare lunch ourselves.  We were divided into several groups.  All my group members were girls but I was the only one who knew how to cook in my group.  Therefore, I cooked the food while the girls were playing.  Isn’t it strange?

I think I am special.  Don’t you think so?