A Touching Story


Have you ever dreamt of a pig making friends with a spider?  Charlotte’s Web, a popular novel written by EB White, tells the story of a pig named Wilbur, and his friendship with Charlotte, a barn spider.

Wilbur was a runt.  A girl, Fern, kept him as a pet.  He was later sold to Fern’s uncle, Mr Zuckerman.  He lived in the cellar of Zuckerman’s barn.  There he met Charlotte and other animals.

Wilbur was going to be killed and eaten at Christmas.  He became very upset.  Charlotte thought of a brilliant way to save Wilbur.  She weaved words in her web to praise Wilbur, such as “Some Pig”, “Terrific”, “Radiant”, etc.  Wilbur became famous and was not killed.  He later went to the County Fair with Charlotte and won a prize.  When Charlotte died, she left a sac of eggs.  After the eggs hatched, three spiderlings stayed in the barn and Wilbur tool care of them.

My favorite part of the book is when Wilbur was doing a back flip in the barn with the encouragement of Charlotte.  Have you ever thought of a pig doing a back flip?  And the illustration in that part is so well drawn. I am sure you will like it.

There are many interesting characters in this book.  Wilbur is a lovable pig.  Charlotte is always loyal to her friends.  Other animals include Templeton, who is a gluttonous rat, and a goose who always stammers.  They are so amazing.

This book teaches us to respect life.  Those who read this book will understand the value of life and respect it.  The book also teaches us about friendship and loyalty.  Charlotte was always loyal and faithful to Wilbur.  Her effort to save Wilbur was touching and impressive.  In addition, the book teaches us that helping people can be a blessing.  Although Charlotte died, her loyalty and willingness to help others will stay in the heart of all readers.

I think Charlotte’s Web is an excellent book not only for children, but also for adults.  The only blemish is that the part on the friendship between Wilbur and Charlotte’s daughters is a bit short.  It will be a good idea if there is a Part 2 of the story.

It is fun to read this book and I am sure you will enjoy it.  You will love Wilbur, and by the time you have finished reading the book, you may want to raise a pig, too.  I highly recommend you to read this book.