An Imaginative Writing


I’m sure that everyone had a normal mother last Sunday – except me. Do you want to know more about how abnormal my mother was that day? Let me tell you now.
When I woke up last Sunday, I found that my bed was bumping up and down. There was a noise yelling, ‘Help me!’. Thus, I got off my bed immediately. After that, I saw my tiny mother who was 20 cm tall. I was gobsmacked. She told me why she was so tiny. It was because a girl called Air-Liz, who came out of the book ‘Air-Liz and the Wonderland’, gave her some strange potion which was said to be the ‘beauty ointment’. She applied it on her clothes and skin. Then, her body and clothes shrank.
 Reluctantly, I had to take care of my tiny mother. I was worried about her size. However, I had to take care of her. Thus, I put her in a small cardboard box and made some cardboard furniture for her. I took her for a walk in my shirt pocket, too. I grabbed a big bowl and it was used as a minature bath tub for her. She bathed there herself. I cooked some super-duper long spaghetti Bolognese for her brunch. I was disappointed that she only ate a little.
 After that, my mother and I went to ‘Fork-garg-wa-tsi’, where the famous magician, Samuel Potter, studied in, and found Samuel. We persuaded Samuel to cast a spell on my mother so that she could grow back to her normal size. We came to an agreement and he said ‘– – – – – – – – –!’ (CENSORED: TOP SECRET) and my mother expanded and squashed and jumped until she grew back to the normal size.
 I thanked Samuel Potter a trillion and took my mother home joyfully. I was tired and overjoyed. My mother praised my intelligence. We were very happy. I think that my classmates will not believe in this ridiculous story, will they?