Teach Kids How to Lose


4C (15-16) Lo Yiu Dik Ivan


Write an email to your friend Peggy, sharing your reflection on the article ‘Why teaching our kids how to lose is a winning philosophy’.


Dear Peggy


I have recently read an article about teaching the kids how to lose.  I find it quite meaningful and it really reflects the present situation.  I totally agree with the writer’s view that teaching the kids how to lose is even more important than teaching them how to win.


If the kids don’t know how to face failures now, they will not know how to face adversities in the future.  The definition of winning in the kids’ view is winning in a game or getting the best examination results.  However, these are all small challenges compared to what they will face when they grow up.  After they start working, they have to face rejections frequently and work very hard without any complaints.  If the kids don’t get tougher now, they might give up easily when they grow up.  In some extreme cases, they may get emotional problems such as depression or even commit suicide.  Therefore, the kids have to be equipped now for future challenges.


Also, giving kids experience of losing can train up their resilience.  Kids are afraid to lose because they lack resilience.  Letting them lose is an important way to let them get used to losing in a positive way and build their fortitude.  Parents nowadays should really let their kids go in order to let them pick themselves up and learn from their experience.  Although it will be painful for both the parents and the kids, it is an unavoidable step.


Last but not least, the kids nowadays are too obsessed with winning and being the champions.  Correct concepts about winning and losing have to be inculcated in them when they are young.  The kids want to win every competition because it makes them feel successful.  I totally understand this feeling as I also feel the same way sometimes.  However, if everyone wants to be the winner, they will fall into a vicious cycle of negative competition.  The kids might even use incorrect ways such as cheating in order to be the winner.  This will greatly affect their future.


With all the helicopter parents nowadays, I think we should really reflect our ways of thinking and prevent the kids from suffering in the future.  If you haven’t read this article, you should read this meaningful article.


Best wishes
