Fulfilling the last will of Uncle John


3C Mak Hui Yeung, Hugo


Fulfilling the last will of uncle John


Dear Aunt May,


I feel extremely sad and miserable after knowing Uncle John has passed away. I know it’s even more heartbreaking to you. I want you to know that he’s not just a good husband, he’s also a great uncle and to many poor families in Africa, he’s also a hero because of his dedication year after year.


To fulfill Uncle John’s last will, which is about letting me use the $1 000 000 to continue his tremendous achievements of serving the underprivileged minorities in Africa, I will use the money to build a nursery school and provide training to farmers in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


The Democratic Republic of the Congo, located in Central Africa, is known as the poorest country in the world. The average GDP per each citizen in 2015 is lower than US$300. Most of the parents can’t take good care of their children due to the lack of money. Some of the parents even sell their own children to human traffickers to earn some money to sustain their lives or the whole family would starve to death. The children sold to human traffickers might face the jeopardy of being a slave or even worse, a prostitute. Even if the children aren’t sold by their parents, they still need to work around the clock to earn their daily bread.


In order to relieve the problems of poverty and child labor, proper education for the children in Congo is essential. A nursery school just fits the bill. Since better education can ensure a better life for children, we definitely need to provide decent and appropriate education to those kids. I plan to employ some teachers who have received proper training so that the kids would be well looked after during their stay at the school. There won’t be any charge for the parents of the students who are studying at the nursery school and burden of the parents would be reduced because the school would provide food and medical support to those children who are in need.


Also, since most of the people in Congo are farmers, I think we should provide free training to those farmers. They can then farm in a more efficient way and take good care of themselves. It can certainly improve the living of the citizens of Congo and hopefully improve the economy of this country.


I believe losing the beloved one is the most difficult moment in one’s life but I want you to know that I care. Please tell me what I can do for you.


With much love,
