Fable writing


 A wicked wolf, who was out searching for a meal, caught a glimpse of a goat eating grass at the edge of a high cliff . The hungry wolf drooled when he thought about having a big mouth-watering lamb dinner.

“Hey, buddy !” said the wolf in his gentlest voice, “ it is very dangerous over there. Come down here and enjoy this morish and fresh grass next to me in this sheltered area.


But the goat knew too well of the wolf’s intention and he wanted to drive the wolf away . Suddenly, he thought of a brilliant idea.


“Err… all right!” answered the goat.


“Wow! This goat is easy to cheat !” thought the wolf . “Should I roast it or fry it?”


The wolf opened his giant mouth when the goat came to him. He thought he was going to enjoy a tasty feast and did not notice that the lion , known as the king of the jungle was behind him.


Before he swallowed the goat, the lion opened his even bigger mouth and gobbled the wolf up.


“Thanks very much, my friend! “ grinned the goat.


“My pleasure! grinned the lion. “After all, you have saved my life before too!”


This story teaches us not be overexcited with something that we love and overlook the danger around us.