Story Writing


One night, I awoke by the sound of distant thunder. As I opened my eyes, I heard someone throwing something noisily.  It was from my neighbour’s house. I watched from the window inthe living room. Then, I saw that Mr. Fan and Mrs. Fan were arguing. I could not hear what they were arguing but I saw that Mr. Fan and Mrs. Fan were throwing some plates, cups and jewellery onto the wall, and so on the floor. Later, Mr. Fan used a chair to bang to the wall and shouted aloud at Mrs. Fan. They were very noisy and annoying.


A few minutes later, they were still arguing, and I could see that their argument grew bitter and bitter, because Mr. Fan started to hit Mrs. Fan.


“What happened?” Dad asked my sister, Ashley and I.


“We don’t know, Dad.” We replied.


After that, Mum came out from the bedroom and said,


“They have got married for fifteen years but I have never seen they argue like this.” Both of us nodded.


Then, Dad and Mum went to their flat, rang their bell and asked for being quiet. But Mr. Fan said,No, I need to solve the problems with her today. I can’t tolerate her anymore.”


They didn’t listen to us, and they slammed the door, all of us were very willy-nilly. My Dad and Mum said,No one should be impulsive, especially the married couples. They should listen to each other, need to care for what each other thinks and feels.”


After that, my sister, Ashley called the police by the mobile phone, because Mr. Fan and Mrs. Fan started to fight with each other. They became crazy. When the policeman came, they were shocked. My Dad, my Mum, my sister and I went to the police station because we had to tell the police what had happened before. Actually,Mr. Fan cared for Mrs. Fan but Mr. Fan always drank a lot of wine so they started to argue. Although they said they would never do the silly things again, the police still charged them because they disturbed other people and hit each other.


Finally, we went home. When we went home, it was one o’clock at mid-night. Mum and Dad said,Go to bed and get a sleep. Tomorrow you both need to go school.”


That night, a lot of things had happened and we wereall tired and sleepy.