Modern Fable


Have you ever heard of the story of ‘The hare and the tortoise ‘? Do you remember who won the race? Yes! The tortoise won the race with hard work .Now, let me tell you the new version of ‘The hare and the tortoise ‘.


One day, Peter bought a new car. He wanted to have a car race with his friend, Sunny, and his bicycle. At the beginning of the car race, Peter was much faster than Sunny. Peter thought, “I must be the winner of this car race! Poor Sunny, and his poor bicycle! No! No chance for them!” In the middle of the car race, there was a heartbreaking news for Peter there was a traffic jam. This time, Peter’s car was totally trapped by the traffic jam and could not move. But this was lucky news for Sunny. Sunny could ride his bicycle between car. At last, Sunny reached the destination before Peter and he won the car race.


This fable teaches me that I should know the strength of myself and use it wisely. Just like Sunny, I think most of you will think that a bicycle is not faster than a car. However, if you use the bicycle wisely, you may win a race!