Helicopter parents harm their children


Do you have any helicopter parents? Nowadays, there are more and more ‘helicopter parents’, who pay extremely close attention to their children and try their best to solve the problems of their children and keep them out of difficulties and any ‘dangerous’ situations.
This situation exists mainly because most of the families have only one child. This can explain why parents give all their love and care to their only child, and finally express them in an extreme and excessive way.
However, this will only adversely affect the life and growth of their kids. First of all, it will affect their abilities of problem solving and risk management.

Since their parents will help their children to tackle their problems whenever difficulties arise and restrict them from getting involved in any ‘dangerous’ activities, they will never know how to solve their problems or manage the risks by themselves. They can just stay at home and rely totally on their parents. Once their parents cannot help them anymore, what can they do?
Besides, they will not have enough freedom in their daily lives, especially in making decision. Their parents will always follow their children closely and also help them to make decisions and arrange their activities, whether they need them or not. Children growing up in such environment don’t have much freedom in deciding their things, which may make them become over-reliant or discontent with it.
Finally, it may spoil the children. Their parents may help their children to resolve all their problems and give them whatever they want. This may spoil them and let them believe that they are at the centre of the world. For Example, there are many ‘primary chickens’ who rely on their parents but can also be very rebellious in Hong Kong. They sometimes even condemn and shout at their parents!
All in all, helicopter parents cannot take good care of their children, and even harm their growth. Therefore, please give your children some space!